Thursday, December 10, 2015

Sukiyaki (Ue o Muite Arukou) by Kyu Sakamoto

Most of the Japanese music I listen to is pop and whatever I hear as the opening to animes. Sakamoto's song was really refreshing to hear. The whistling bit is great and it has a very uplifting tune. But then I looked up the lyrics and found out they're actually pretty sad. The lyrics tell the story of a man who looks up and whistles while he is walking so that his tears won't fall. The verses of the song describe his memories and feelings. 

The title Sukiyaki, a Japanese hot pot dish, has nothing to do with the lyrics or the meaning of the song; the word served the purpose only because it was short, catchy, recognizably Japanese, and more familiar to most English speakers. A Newsweek columnist noted that the re-titling was like issuing "Moon River" in Japan under the title "Beef Stew."

Satoshi Kon

After watching one of my favorite movies, Tokyo Godfathers, I felt compelled to write about Satoshi Kon. If you were paying attention to the credit sequence in the beginning, you’d have noticed that Kon was heavily involved with the film’s production. (put stuff of he did here)

I don’t cry easily (like ever) during movies. After watching Tokyo Godfathers for the first and second time I admittedly got teary eyed. I full blown cried my eyes out at the end of Millennium Actress. Any director that is able to accomplish tears from me is for sure an amazing film maker.

His other works are: Perfect Blue, Paprika, Tokyo Godfathers, Millennium Actress, Memories, and Dreaming Machine.

He died August 24, 2010, but I am grateful he left behind a legacy of beautiful work. I highly recommend his work if you’re in the mood for quality movies. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

アメリカ と 日本 の うち

アメリカ のバスルーム

日本 の おふろ

わたし は アメリカ の バスルーム が すきです。わたし も 日本 の おふろ が すきです。

アメリカ の バスルーム は 大きいです。でも 日本 の おふろ は 小さい です。

アメリカ の バスルーム と 日本 の おふろ は いい です。日本 の おふろ は どうも きれい です。

I really appreciate the cleanliness of the Japanese home. Not all American homes have mud rooms and most use a mat as a substitute. Now that I think about it, mud rooms and mats are to keep the house clean. Although, they are not usually seen as a necessity or something that is used to be polite.

It also sounds really nice to take a relaxing every night. Don't get me wrong, showers are nice and all but baths are so much nicer. Especially for a college student because most dorms don't have bath tubs (we also don't have the time for such a luxury).

I like the size of my room, but I also realize that I could survive if I downsized. Because land is Japan is valuable, every part of it must be utilized to its fullest extent. I appreciate that sort of mentality when it comes to space. However, folding up a futon and putting it away every night could get a bit tedious. I'll stick with my bed for the time being.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

大坂城 (Osaka Castle)

かいわのタイトル: 大坂城 (Osaka Castle)

リさん: おひようございます!
わたし: リさん、 おひようございます!
リさん: 日本 に いきましたか?
わたし: はい、いきました。
リさん: 日本 に なにが ありますか?
わたし: ええと、大坂城 と 東京タワ と 富士山 あります。そして 秋葉原 もあります。
リさん: そですか。え~と。。。大坂城 は ゆうめいですか。
わたし: ええ、 とてもゆうめいですね。
リさん: 大坂城 は どんなたてものですか。
わたし: りっぱなたてものです。そして、大きいたてものです。
リさん: 大坂城 は あまり きれいじゃありませんか?
わたし: いいえ! 大坂城 は きれいですよ。
リさん: そですか。

Monday, October 12, 2015

わたし の まち

わたしは イリノイ しゅうの フロスモア からきました。

フロスモアは  あまりおおくないです。でも フロスモア の こうこう わ おおきです。フロスモアはシカゴのちかくにあります。フロスモアはとてもきれいなまちです. フロスモア の えき は りつぱなです。フロスモア の えき は りつぱなです。そして フロスモアの レストラン は ゆうめいなたてものです。

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Katakana Expressions

I thought when I learned Hiragana I would be using it a lot more. To my surprise I've been using Katakana a lot more. I mean when you're able to distinguish the difference between the two you realize that Katakana is everywhere. I never knew foreign words (borrowed words) were used so much.

This picture is from one of my favorite motivational videos. When I need a pick me up I watch this video and I think, "This guy really believes in me. I can do anything because this random fisherman believes in me!!" So anyway at the end of the video he randomly throws "Never give up!!" in English. So now I know how to write it in Katakana!

Oh and here are some random words in Katakana :D

ゴジラ = Godzilla

アキラ = Akira

バカ = Idiot

ヤクザ = Yakuza

カラオケ= Karaoke

コスプレ = Cosplay

Sunday, September 27, 2015


I absolutely adore Gurren Lagann. It's a bit wacky and over the top, but I can't help loving everything about it. The music and dialouge really gets you excited and ready to take on anything! I can't mention Gurren Lagann without tipping my hat to Sorairo Days. The song itself always gets me motivated to keep progressing forward. Anywho, enjoy the song!

P.S. Hopefully I learn enough Japanese to properly sing along :D

Arthur Binardさん

Overall I really enjoyed Arthur Binard's lecture. Walking in I didn't necessarily know what the lecture would be on, but it was immensely interesting. He moved from one point about hot candy to the significance of the mushroom cloud to the physics behind a nuclear bomb. There was a lot happening in that lecture, and yet it all made sense. He was able to connect these various points into a cohesive image. Also, I really enjoyed his enthusiasm throughout the lecture. He clearly enjoys translating and studying Japanese culture. I wish I could of seen his poetry reading and everyone who did go is very fortunate! 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Daily Routine

わたしは たいてい ごせんしちじ にねます。わたし あびます。あさごはん たべます。がっこうへいきます。しゅくだいをします。ごごじゅうにねません

(Accurate depiction of me at breakfast) 

Monday, September 7, 2015

First Attempt at Typing Hiragana (give it a listen!)

はじめまして。わたしは さまじん です。さんねんせいです。アメリカじんです。せんこうぶんがくです。どうぞよろしく。

I was having a difficult time writing my last name in Katakana, so I opted for Hiragana.

I really really reallllly love Sorairo Days by Shoko Nakagawa. You can hear this song in Gurren Lagann. I usually play this song when I need some motivation in rugby or to do my homework (which is a lot). I admire a lot of the messages presented in Gurren Lagann and I feel this song truly expresses them. I'd love to learn the lyrics and actually sing them (despite my less-than-perfect signing voice). How can someone not feel like they can do anything while listening to this? Overall I think all the music in Gurren Lagann is amazing. I'm also gonna throw in a plug for Cowboy Bepop and Samurai Champloo's music. If you're ever interested in listening to some great music give them a try :D

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

My First Blog Post :D

Hello! My name is Frankie Samargin and I'm from Saint Mary's College.

Before attending Saint Mary's College I originally wanted to pursue a career as a history teacher. After some consideration I realized that I didn't exactly feel comfortable with that career. My best friend actually introduced me to the idea of teaching English in Japan. Something about that just sounded right. I want to study Japanese to help me become an efficient educator. 

Besides my professional reason for studying Japanese, I've also been a huge fan of anime since middle school. Since then I've come to appreciate the Japanese culture and language. Now I actually listen to what the characters are saying instead of simply reading the subtitles. I've been able to pick up a few words, but nothing to sneeze at really.

Overall, I'm very excited to begin learning Japanese!