Wednesday, November 11, 2015

アメリカ と 日本 の うち

アメリカ のバスルーム

日本 の おふろ

わたし は アメリカ の バスルーム が すきです。わたし も 日本 の おふろ が すきです。

アメリカ の バスルーム は 大きいです。でも 日本 の おふろ は 小さい です。

アメリカ の バスルーム と 日本 の おふろ は いい です。日本 の おふろ は どうも きれい です。

I really appreciate the cleanliness of the Japanese home. Not all American homes have mud rooms and most use a mat as a substitute. Now that I think about it, mud rooms and mats are to keep the house clean. Although, they are not usually seen as a necessity or something that is used to be polite.

It also sounds really nice to take a relaxing every night. Don't get me wrong, showers are nice and all but baths are so much nicer. Especially for a college student because most dorms don't have bath tubs (we also don't have the time for such a luxury).

I like the size of my room, but I also realize that I could survive if I downsized. Because land is Japan is valuable, every part of it must be utilized to its fullest extent. I appreciate that sort of mentality when it comes to space. However, folding up a futon and putting it away every night could get a bit tedious. I'll stick with my bed for the time being.